City Of God: Opening Scene Notes

The opening sequence of City Of God portrays to the audience the rapid pace of life in the favelas in Brazil and introduces us to some of the characters that will be important in the film. Important key film terminology to take note off in the opening scene: - Cinematography - Mise-en-scene - Editing - Sound (diegetic & non-diegetic) The sharpening of the knives at the start: - Frantic, a faster piece with each sharpening of the knife - Diegetic sound - The imagery of the knife foreshadows danger - Replaces the establishing shot Music/Sound in the opening scene: - Non-diegetic - allows the viewer to be introduced to the atmosphere of the favela & introduces the culture of Latin America by using traditional music from Brazil - High-tempo music is used which portrays the vibrancy of the City of God - The music builds louder and louder as the scene progresses to convey how tension increases as the scene continues - Lots of energy from both types of so...