Fish Tank & WNTTAK: Ideology

Ideology: - Films are believed to reflect fundamental beliefs of a society - Ideologies (Phillips, 2005) - Ideology can be thought of as the main messages & values conveyed by a film as well as those which inform it - Commonly mainstream cinema presents dominant ideologies that exist within society - The teaching of ideology overlaps with the other specialist area Starter Questions: - What are the main messages & values of the film? - How are these messages conveyed through the use of key elements of film form? - Does the film reinforce, challenge or reject dominant attitudes within the society it is made in? - Which characters are the spectators encouraged to align themselves with & what is their dominant belief system? Critical approaches to Ideology: - For purposes of the specification, should study films in relation to critical approaches to ideology - Recommended either political or feminist critical approach studied in relation to these films - From its...