WNTTAK Key Scenes: Eva's pregnancy/birth + Eva arriving at school

Kevin's conception to birth: (13:36-19:57)
- Dark lighting during sex scene. Also red lighting, foreshadows the danger and consequences of this scene and Kevin's birth. The alarm clock writing (12am) is also in red writing which gives further connotations of the danger that Kevin will bring. The flashing of the alarm once again represents the danger of Kevin -> used throughout film

- The cells -> relevancy? -> division, replicating, intercut with a photocopier, Eva sees it as no miracle, mytosis
- Visual signs of Eva struggling with motherhood before Kevin was born: looks at her body and presents she feels uncomfortable with it, it's Franklin that puts up the baby's chair and is excited whilst Eva has a nondescript reaction to it (non diegetic not diegetic) -> dreaminess
- The song (Ham & Eggs?) -> use of eggs foreshadows later events in the film, how her 'egg' (Kevin) turned out bad and her state of routine & nothingness after the school shooting
- Between Kevin's conception & birth, the film flashes forward to Eva driving to and entering the prison, and a quick cut to the school shooting. Eva passes a red tree which connotes her guilt & Kevin's danger and the cut to the school shooting sets up the use of enigma codes to the audience as information about the film is gradually revealed but the audience are still in the dark at this point as to how the school massacre links to the plot of the film. This is gradually built up during this scene as a couple of minutes later, Eva is shown visiting Kevin in prison which foreshadows his dark future to the audience. However the silence between Eva & Kevin keeps the audience in the dark about their relationship & what happened. When Eva walks out, someone being arrested screams out 'I didn't do nothing' which could be a link between Eva & Kevin's relationship as Eva's lack of maternal instinct led to Kevin going to extreme measures to get his mother's attention as he felt she never noticed him.
- Eva presented as feeling uncomfortable in the scene where all the other pregnant mothers are talking. Eva stays silent & walks out. -> mise-en-scene
- Kids run past Eva screaming straight after -> she slows down until they're gone, shows how she's struggling to cope with the pressure of the noise of kids -> reminiscent of prison corridor, considers pregnancy to be a prison
- The second prison scene goes directly into Eva going into labour through the use of a white light -> significance of this> -> feels imprisoned giving birth, being 'pinned down' by nurses -> 'stop resisting' -> reflection in domed light, upside down -> shows her life is gonna go upside down, blurry haze + very distorted & warped, finds this almost unnatural
- After the baby is born, the audience are visually shown that Eva is physically detached from her child. Franklin cuddles the baby whereas Eva is centre middle and just staring forwards & not even paying attention to her child. She ignores the diegetic sound of Kevin crying which shows that she is unresponsive to Kevin's needs -> blue hat of Kevin matching Franklin's shirt - disconnect between Eva and the family -> Eva blends in to the wall -> never see Eva breastfeeding at all, still ignoring Kevin's needs -> one of the only scenes without absence of red -> lighting on her arm looks like a cast, very very ill

Eva gets to the school after the incident: (1:30-1:33:10)
- When Eva is driving to the school, it flash forwards to her imagination of how Kevin committed the massacre
- Diegetic sounds of screaming and police sirens when she drives up to the school, creates fear and tension in the audience even though they know how this scene will play out as the flashbacks throughout the film gradually reveals that Kevin is behind the attack
- The red light flashing on Eva's face -> represents the guilt she's about to feel. The red light throughout the scene represents the bloodshed from the massacre
- Eva steps forward after the realisation that the product Kevin brought was holding the doors together closed so she realises Kevin is behind the attack. She's still as she goes forward whilst the facial expressions of the parents behind her look scared and screaming non-dietetically.
- The screaming represents the atmosphere of the school, close-ups of characters shown screaming & crying, presents how many people Kevin's actions have affected
- The police arrest Kevin and he turns around to look back when he's taken away


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